Dear Parishioners,
For the past three years you have been hearing about the Archdiocesan Synod and it has been a very rewarding experience for all who have been involved.
We appreciate all who participated in this opportunity to inform our church as well as our Archbishop know about your concerns for the Church in this Archdiocese.
Our analysis from your feedback leads us to the formation of children's ministries, welcoming our parishioners and building relationships within small groups.
November 19, 2022, Archbishop Hebda released the Pastoral Synod Letter a guidance document "You Will Be My Witness" describing the direction for us and the Church. The letter can be found in the Documents section. Continue to pray with us for a fruitful process. Synod Evangelization Teams from parishes starting meeting January 2023 to
learn, plan and implement the goals and objectives from the pastoral letter.
2023 SJCC Synod Evangelization Team and Next Steps!
School of Discipleship (March - April)
Synod Gathering (May 20)
Small Group Visioning Day (June 10)
Our St. Joseph “Twelve” have been busy praying, attending training and working together towards the goal of strengthening our church through interactions within small group environments. As planned, over the next months, the Twelve will invite 72 to join them to carry on this powerful effort within St. Joseph Catholic Community.
We pray that you all will open your hearts to this process as we expand our circle of active parishioners to support this mission.
A Synod is a formal representative assembly designed to help Archbishop Hebda in his shepherding of the local church. Shared ideas from parishioners in the diocese will assist to discern and establish clear pastoral priorities in a way that will both promote greater unity and lead us to a more vigorous proclamation of Jesus' good news.
In short, we unite with friends, family and neighbors,
talk and share your ideas to better support the Church in the future!
This GREAT opportunity allowed us to meet new people on a personal level
in a small group setting.
Synod 2021 - 2026 The Fruit of Your Service
Throughout the Archdiocese, more than 8100 people attended the Synod Prayer and Listening Events in 2019-20, and more than 68,000 feedback forms were submitted as part of the Parish Consultation with small groups in autumn 2021.
The need for prayer is as great as ever as we continue this Synod process.
We are amazed at how the Holy Spirit has been providing for us at each step of the way.
The second Synod Assembly in the history of our local Church was held June 3-5, 2022.
Over 500 sisters and brothers of the archdiocese will join Bishop Williams and Archbishop Hebda over Pentecost weekend to finalize the culmination of the two year preparation and gathering of ideas from prayer and small group listening and feedback events.
Archbishop Hebda will discern the results of the assembly and share his
strategic plan with us next November on the Feast of Christ the King.
Archbishop Hebda Invites Us to Continue Praying for the Synod:
Synod Priorities - 3 Year Plan
Year 1 (July 2023 - June 2024): Small Groups
Year 2 (July 2024 - June 2025): The Mass
Year 3 (July 2025 - June 2026): Parents as Primary Educators
Thank You, in God We Pray!
Archbishop Hebda Gives Thanks and Guides Us Through the Culmination of Our Two Year Journey
Synod 2021 - 2026 Prayer
We stand before You, Holy Spirit,
as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us,
make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go
and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful;
do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path
nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity
so that we may journey together to eternal life
and not stray from the way of truth
and what is right.
All this we ask of You,
who are at work in every place and time,
in the communion of the Father and the Son,
forever and ever. Amen.
Mary, Mother of the Church, Pray for us.
Read the below history of the Synod 2022 process
Archbishop Hebda Explains the Parish Synod Leadership Team Consultation
In the video above, Archbishop Hebda describes how the next stage in the Synod process has been adjusted due to COVID concerns. Now, the Parish Synod Leadership Team Consultation will gather parish leaders at their own parishes, while still offering the opportunity to give valuable feedback and insights that will benefit the Synod process. Please share this video with parishioners and ask them to support your parish team through your prayers. |
Synod Small Groups
September 22 through November 11, 2021, Synod small groups met to discuss very important subjects of the church. Each Synod small group consisted of 4-8 people including a trained facilitator who guided attendees through the process. Each two hour session began with prayer, followed by an archdiocesan scripture/teaching video on the weekly topic, with two 30 minute discussion sessions where attendees were invited to have active discussions, sharing thoughts, experiences and ideas.
All parishioners who had been confirmed (and were accompanied by an adult if not one)
and adults who had fallen from the church were invited to come as a group or individually.
We encouraged participants to attend as many sessions as they could.
Existing small groups were invited to hold their Synod sessions at their regularly scheduled dates/times/locations if a trained facilitator was present.
Main Topics of Discussion Were:
Small Group Attendees: Watch video, discuss, provide feedback
Facilitators: Guide 4-8 attendees in meaningful and charitable discussions
Register at
►Phase 1 - 2019-2020 Listening Sessions Held to Identify Specific Discussion Topics (completed)
►Phase 2 - 2021 Home Parishes Hold Group Sessions to Discuss the Defined Topics (Fall 2021)
►Phase 3 - 2022 Parish Feedback Provided to the Archbishop to Create a 5-10 Year Plan
The Synod process was designed to gather and consolidate member feedback for 2 years, ensuring everyone had a chance to provide their input. Thirty pre-synod listening sessions were held with Archbishop Hebda. Written feedback from 8,000 participants (with 35,000 comments) along with the thousands of responses from the Disciple Makers Index survey were processed. Main topics emerged and were determined for each parish to conduct internal pre-synod listening sessions that took place in the fall of 2022.
Disciple Maker Index Survey
In November 2019, an enhancement was made to the Synod process: Archbishop Hebda has requested that all parishes engage their parishioners in the Catholic Leadership Institute's Disciple Maker Index survey (DMI) in February 2020. The results will be supplementary information for the Archbishop as he discerns what focus areas to select this spring. The DMI consists of 70 questions and asks parishioners to reflect on their own spiritual growth and identify the ways in which the parish effectively supports that growth. All responses are confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole. The information will be valuable for the parish as it seeks ways to best support everyone in their discipleship journey. St. Joseph parishioners completed 559 surveys to assist in this valuable information gathering process.
Archdiocese Update
Our Parish feedback was compiled and provided to Archbishop Hebda. The information from parishes across the diocese will assist in the creation of the a 5-10 year plan to strengthen and improve our archdiocese using the following steps:
Deanery Consultation: February 26, 2022
Pastor and 10 Parish Representatives
Archdiocesan Synod Assembly: Pentecost Weekend, June 2022
Approximately 500 Appointed Delegates (2 From Each Parish)
Pastoral Plan Written and Shared: November 19, 2022
Synod Evangelization Team Training: February 7, 2023 - March 21, 2023
Attend the School of Discipleship program, Archbishop Flynn Catechetical Institute.
Come Holy Spirit
Make our ears to hear
Make our eyes to see
Make our mouths to speak
Make our hearts to seek
Make our hands to reach out
And touch the world with your love.
Mary, Mother of the Church
Pray for us.