The Mission of St. Joseph's is to foster a spirit-filled faith community united in Jesus Christ. We share who we are and what we have received through our worship of God, the nurturing of faith and outreach in service and justice.
July 2024 - June 2025
Chair - Paul Rebehn
Secretary - Open Position
Small Groups
Young Parishioners/Families
New Member Welcoming
To contact the Pastoral Council or become a member,
please email the Parish Director.
(Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month - see calendar for dates and changes)
Open to parish. Submit discussion one week prior to meeting to Council Secretary.
The purpose of the St. Joseph Catholic Community Pastoral Council is to work with the Pastor in promoting the spiritual and pastoral life of the parish by:
Helping to set direction for the parish in light of the Mission Statement.
Identifying new ideas and potential solutions.
Sponsoring Town Meetings for wider parish involvement.
Providing advice and counsel on parish issues.
The Pastoral Council is consultative to the Pastor and to all parish ministries as they relate to the parish mission statement and Strategic Plan.
The Pastoral Council consists of the Pastor, parishioners, and a Finance Council representative. Pastoral Council members must be active members of St. Joseph Catholic Community and support the mission of the parish and the purpose of the council.
Responsibilities of the Pastoral Council Members Include:
To attend the regular (monthly) meetings of the Council, usually the third Wednesday of the month. The Agenda for the upcoming meeting and Meeting Minutes from recent months are sent out to members. Older documents can be obtained from the Parish Office.
To know and support the strategic plan for the parish.
To attend an annual Pastoral Council Retreat.
To develop a complete understanding of the structure of the parish and its committees.
To actively participate in ministry committees, avoiding, however, Advisory Committee participation because of potential conflict of interest.
To advise the parish community about implementation of the mission in light of the full parish infrastructure and the strategic plan.
The regular term of office for a member of the Pastoral Council is three years, with one third of the terms expiring each year. One third of the Council is selected each year by draw from a list of candidates who have expressed an interest in serving on the Council by submitting an interest application form by May 1. Click Interview Application to print and fill out an application form of interest.
The Finance Council representative is selected by Finance Council members for one year terms, limited to no more than three consecutive terms.