The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process in which spirituality, beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith are presented to those who are considering joining the Catholic Church.
We invite you to journey with others who are interested in growing in faith and love of Jesus, and want to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. We discuss:
We are all on a life-journey--with or without faith.
What is your present relationship with God?
A relationship of fear? Alienation or indifference?
The OCIA process at St. Joseph is designed to help strengthen your faith or helping you understand what it means to be Catholic.
To receive sacraments, you must be a registered member of our church or have written permission from your church to receive the sacrament at St. Joseph Catholic Community.
OCIA is Wednesday Evenings Held October through Easter, 7pm - 8:30pm. To learn more, contact our Pastor or Director of Children and Adult Faith Formation.