We are called to be good stewards and part of this is maintaining the facility both for safety and to support the Mission of St. Joseph. St. Joseph’s Facility Fund expenditures are made beyond the regular, normal upkeep of physical properties (i.e. Land, Buildings, and Equipment) for the repair or replacement of failed or failing building components as necessary to return the facilities to be in good working order, to prevent further damage, or to make it compliant with changes in laws, regulations, codes or standards.
Key Expenditures for Fiscal Year (2022-2024)
Parish Center - Parking Lot Resurfacing - Completed - Thank You!
The Parish Center in New Hope, MN has not had the parking lot resurfaced since 2003. There is a great need to fill cracks, resurface and re-line the main front entrance parking lot. This will improve safety, durability and appearance of the church grounds.
Total Cost is Estimated at $58,440
Historic Little Church - Parking Lot Total Replacement - Completed - Thank You!
The St. Joseph Historic Little Church in Plymouth, MN has experienced cracks, crumbling asphalt and damage for years. The parking lot was last resurfaced in the 1980's. The church upper and lower parking lots need a total replacement, taking out the existing parking lots and replacing them with new modern materials that meet today's codes. This will improve safety, durability and appearance of the church grounds.
Total Cost is Estimated at $149,770
Historic Little Church - Plumbing to Cemetery
The St. Joseph Historic Little Church in Plymouth, MN is in need of an accessible water resource for maintaining plants. Currently, water is brought to the cemetery by people via their vehicles and is cumbersome. This will aid visitors in maintaining plants and the appearance of the church grounds.
Total Cost is Estimated at $2,000
Parish Center - Fire Alarm Repair
The Parish Center is in need of an upgrade to the fire alarm system to safeguard the building. A new monitoring company will be identified and will repair the frequent false alarms that are occurring.
Total Cost is Estimated: TBD
Parish Center - Security of Doors and Locks - Completed - Thank You!
The Parish Center is in need of an upgrade to the internal and external door locks to provide adequate safety within the building.
Total Cost is Estimated: $32,173
Historic Little Church - Bathroom Update
The St. Joseph Historic Little Church in Plymouth, MN is in need of a bathroom upgrade to accomodate all types of needs. The bathroom will be upgraded to code, meet Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) codes to serve all in our Catholic community.
Total Cost is Estimated at $25,000
Historic Little Church - Boiler - Completed - Thank You!
To continue to provide heat and comfort to our parishioners, the boiler needs replacement.
Total Cost is Estimated at $17,400
Parish Center - Lounge Air Conditioner Replacement - Completed - Thank You!
Replace inefficient air conditioning unit in the lounge.
Total Cost is Estimated at $15,273
Parish Center - Chapel Air Conditioner Replacement - Completed - Thank You!
Replace inefficient air conditioning unit in the lounge.
Total Cost is Estimated at $11,600
Parish Center - Replacement of Main Entrance Sidewalk AND Replacement of Back Entrance Steps and Railings
Replace the section between the parking lot and the fountain due to decaying joints that cause trip hazards. Replace the concreate steps/ramp and metal railing at the upper entrance (Door 14).
Total Cost is Estimated at $70,000
Parish Center and Historic Little Church - Tree Removal
Remove dead trees and diseased Ash trees from the properties.
Total Cost is Estimated at $12,000
Parish Center - Main Parking Lot Patching
Repair the cracks and worn blacktop in the parking lot.
Total Cost is Estimated at $TBD
Historic Little Church - Replace Flower Beds with Cement and Adding Flower Planters
Add a concrete section on both sides of the main door. The current layout containing flower gardens continues to be a source of collecting water that drains into the basement. Flower planters and a welcome bench will eventually be added in honor of parishioner Mel Doyle who was known for making people feel welcome, especially new parishioners.
Total Cost is Estimated at $TBD