Are you a parishioner and are age 50 or better and single (widowed, divorced or never married) seeking some Christian fellowship with Good Food, Good People, Good Times?
Events: Generally, on the fourth Sunday of each month, our group has a potluck, dinner or picnic beginning with a social hour at 5pm and dinner at 6pm at the Parish Center or designated local restaurant.
RSVP / Cost: Please respond to the monthly email invites / $10 per person or cost of meal
Extra-curriculars: We also meet for happy hour, go to plays, exhibits and have a walking group. This event is a great way to meet people and have some fun!
Join Our Email List! If you are already receiving invites from us, no need to do anything further. If you want to receive invites and information on events, etc., please complete the "50+ Singles Email List" on this page.
Watch the bulletin, website and member emails for updates.